The Carlisle Honor Roll is dedicated to those men and women who served in the Armed Forces representing The United States of America, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and The Town of Carlisle. The project is located in the Historic District on the Carlisle Town Common.

Before Construction:

Dedication Ceremony, June 2010
The Alcott Elementary School in Concord, MA has a very active parent teacher group. In coordination with the Alcott Dads, Fisher Design Group worked with the parents, teachers, administration and students to create a treasured addition to the School's physical plant: an Outdoor Classroom. The site was chosen to provide a quiet, reflective space that could allow readings, theatre, music, art and playfully inspired learning. Designs were created with input from teachers and students, the materials were selected to provide a sense of permanence and the installation was assisted and performed by parents and students. Dedicated in the Spring of 2010, the Outdoor Classroom has become a favorite teaching podium.
The work crew!
Board of Directors
Future horticultural professionals!
That is a lot of Granite. 42 Tons to be exact!
Setting the Keystone!
Mark White, Bentley Development Corp. The MVP!
It WILL fit!
I'll call for help!
Measure twice, move once....
Dedication, June 2010
The final product, ready for learning opportunities.

Note: The Jonesboro Red Granite was fabricated by JC Stone (
Thanks to the Alcott School Administration and Staff, The Alcott Parent Teachers Group, The Alcott Dads and the Town of Concord Public Works, Highway, Grounds & Cemetery, Grounds Division.

Contact Us

Fisher Design Group
Concord, MA 01742

Vivian Low

p:  617.780.9239

David Fisher

p:  978.996.5713

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Fisher Design Group - Concord, MA 01742